Sunday, November 27, 2011

High School Acquaintances Seen Over Thanksgiving

They never hung out in high school; why start now?

Home -- Several alumni of a local high school were spotted by fellow graduates who once knew them vaguely and still harbor feelings of indifference this weekend, sources say. When the gang reunited at a local bar on Black Friday, catching up and reminiscing over fond memories and warm Pabst Blue Ribbons, they avoided eye contact from the other group that was never really friendly.

"Yea, I saw Tom Johnson and Megan Thomas, but I didn't really want to say hello," explained Joseph McIntyre, A&S '12. "Tom put on a lot of weight since high school," he added.

After bumping into an old member of the "cool kids" while ordering a rum and coke, McIntyre broke down and asked them where they were going to school and if they had seen anyone else from home this break. Additionally, he mentioned it was great to see them again and they should get lunch sometime after Christmas.

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